About Us


Our Mission

The mission of Together Otsego Prospers (TOP) is to bring joy, prosperity, and beauty to our community through volunteer-led events and development projects.

TOP is a not-for-profit organization and coalition of residents with a passion for community service. We are united by a desire to see Otsego reach its full potential as a community where you work, play, and stay. We believe that vibrant communities have a sense of place, fostered by community events and a strong sense of local character.

TOP was founded by Otsego area residents in 2022 following the dissolution of the Otsego Main Street program to carry on Main Street’s work of community revitalization. Committed to a resident-led approach to community development, we empower residents to get involved in their community. Whether you want to volunteer on a service project, plan a community event, or fundraise for community projects, we want to connect you with the resources you need to succeed.

TOP is a 501C(3) organization - ID# 88-3705909.

Our Board

Chair - Marty Bennett
Vice Chair - Sandy Foster
Secretary - Marissa Andrus
Treasurer - Stacey Withee

Board Members:

Paulette Carr
Tim Carr
Taylor Hatten
Jason Smith

Get Involved!

Are you passionate about our community? We want to hear from you! Check out our program pages for volunteer opportunities and upcoming events. If you would like more information about getting involved with TOP or want to get involved, reach out to us at togetherotsegoprospers@gmail.com.